About Us
We are group of parents, guardians, administrators, teachers, staff, students and community members dedicated to supporting the learning environment of Rock Ridge High School!​
What Are Our Objectives?​​
Providing support and service to the students, families, educators, and community of Rock Ridge High School so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of all students
Promoting a spirit of caring, good citizenship, and respect for others within the school and community
Encouraging family and community involvement in the education of all students​
Why Get Involved?
CHILDREN BENEFIT - Research shows children perform better when families are engaged in education both at home and school
ROCK RIDGE BENEFITS - The PTSO provides support for teachers, administration and students
MAKE CONNECTIONS - Get to know teachers, staff better and other families!
IT'S GOOD FOR YOU - Volunteering is rewarding while allowing you to contribute your skills and knowledge for your child's school!
What Does PTSO Support?
Staff welcome back breakfast, Teacher Appreciation Week, Senior Grad Party, Clubs, Senior Scholarships, Principal's Discretionary fund, Students in need, Holiday luncheons, and Tea Time Tuesday.
We are always looking for an extra set of helping hands, so if you’d like to join us, just get in touch.
RRHS PTSO is a 501 (c)(3) organization and is governed per RRHSPTSO Bylaws